There are many different «specialties», ranging from psychiatry, surgery, anaesthesia and pathology, through to radiology, general practice, obstetrics and gynaecology. Visit our explore roles section for further information.
The training is in three stages, medical school/university, foundation training and then specialty training.
A range of qualifications may be acceptable for entry into medical school. However, each medical school sets its own requirements, so you must check before making any applications.
It partly depends on the qualifications you have before going to medical school, and the type of doctor you want to be. For example as a guide, it’ll take around 10 years to train as a GP (including medical school) and 14 years to train as a surgeon.
Google information about pay for doctors.
Some medical schools may accept specific Access to medicine courses, but you should always check with the medical school before embarking on an Access course.
You may be eligible to receive some financial support during your degree in medicine. More general information can be found on our financial support for medical and dental students page
Find more detailed information about the financial support available to medical students from the NHS Business Services Authority website
After medical school, you will usually be salaried during the foundation and specialty training stages.
You can find more information about a career as a doctor by visiting the explore roles website.